Shalakya Tantra


Shalakya Tantra

Shalakya Tantra is one among the Ashtanga Ayurveda. This branch is also known as Urdhwanga/Jatru urdhwa/Uttamanga chikitsa. Shalakya tantra is a branch of Ayurveda which mainly focuses on preventive and curative aspect of ailments affecting the parts above the neck. This branch deals with management of the diseases of eye, ear, nose, oral cavity and various type of headaches.


  • To provide holistic approach of diseases and treatments using contemporary tools.

  • Train to perform distinctive and effective therapies like classical kriyakalpa, modified kriyakalpa therapies, mastishkya chikitsa, surgical and parasurgical procedures such as leech therapy, pracchana etc.,

  • Students are advised to self-experience the therapies under the guidance of speciality doctors for enhanced practical applicability.

  • Tie-ups with other super speciality hospitals to enrich the knowledge.


  • Department comprises of experienced doctors inclusive of well-equipped Eye OPD, ENT OPD and Kriyakalpa unit(Eye and ENT therapy rooms).

  • We have a well-established Department library which comprises of classical and other contemporary books.




Dr. Sapna Dinesh Bhandary

Professor & Shalakya consultant

Dr Sapna Dinesh Bhandary is currently working as Professor & Shalakya consultant (Eye & ENT speciality in Ayurveda) in Sharada Ayurveda Medical College & Hospital, Mangaluru. She is practicing ayurveda for 13 years. She has clinical experience in treating computer vision syndrome, digital eye strain, dry eye syndrome, migraine, trigeminal neuralgia, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, and prevention and control of retinal diseases including Diabetic Retinopathy.

  • Date of birth: 20/09/1976

  • Teacher’s code: AYSK00319

  • Registration Number: 13494

Qualification and Experience

  • BAMS: Sept 1999, Mysore University, SDM College of Ayurveda & Hospital, Hassan.

  • M.S(Ayu): 2008, RGUHS, Bangalore, SDM College of Ayurveda & Hospital, Hassan Specialization: Shalakya Tantra (Ayurveda Speciality in Eye, ENT & Head and Scalp diseases).

  • Ph.D. in Ayurveda: 2021, RGUHS, Bangalore, SDM College of Ayurveda & Hospital, Udupi.

  • Currently working as Professor in Department of Shalakya tantra, Sharada Ayurveda Medical College & Hospital since December 21.1.2022.

Presentations as Resource Person:

  • Resource person in CME in Panchakarma organized by Amrita School of Ayurveda, Kollam, Kerala on clinical applicability of Nasya Karma in 2016.

  • Resource person for Karmabhyasa, a CME programme series organized by SDM college of Ayurveda and hospital, Udupi – demonstration of kriyakalpa procedures for practitioners on 6.1.2018.

  • Resource person in a National level CME on Shalakyatantra on Track & Treat Diabetic retinopathy held at SDM College of Ayurveda, Udupi on April 24th 2018.

  • Resource person in short term certificate course on Ayurvedic Cosmetology organized by postgraduate department of Prasuthitantra Evum Stree Roga, SDM College of Ayurveda, Udupi.

  • Resource person for the programme Glaucoma awareness week at BVVS Ayurved Medical college & Hospital, Bagalkot on 9.3.2019.

  • Resource person in Urdhwanga siddhi- A national workshop held on 11th, 12th and 13th January 2019 at Sri Sri College of Ayurvedic Science and Research Hospital, Bengaluru.

  • Resource person for international conference “Saundarya 2019” organized at (NIA), Jaipur 15.1.19 & 16.11.19 on management of Alopecia Areata.

  • Resource person for webinar on the topic, “Diagnosis and management of Abhishyanda” on 9.6.2020 organized by Karnataka Ayurveda Medical College, Mangalore.

  • Resource person for training programme on kriyakalpa procedures conducted for hospital masseurs in 2021.

International Level:

  • 2021: Participated as delegate in a national level webinar Shalakya Hridaya -2021 orgnised bybShree Jagadguru Gavisiddheshwara Ayurvedic Medical College. Koppal on 20th February, 2021.

  • 2020: Participated as delegate in Soundarya Prabodhini 2020 National Level Online Workshop on Cosmetology in Ayurvedafrom 6th to 8th July 2020.

  • 2020: participated s delegate in E Samshodhana -2020; an international webinar on Opportunities & Challenges in medical research & Development, SDM College of Ayurveda& Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka.

  • 2020: Participated in webinar on “Art of writing” by Dr Vasundhara Bhupati on 16th September 2020 to enrich the skill in writing health articles to public.

  • 2020: Participated in national webinar JESTA 2020 organized by Dept of Kayachikitsa Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya and hospital, Hubli from 10th to 13th June 2020.

  • 2020: Participated as delegate and organizing member in Karmasiddhi-2020, an international conference on Bio-purification therapies, ethno-medicine & food diversity in Panchakarma practices at SDM College of Ayurveda, Udupi, on 14th &15th February 2020.

  • 2019: Participated as delegate in SFEC 2019, 6th International congress for Ethnopharmacology, India organized by Manipal college of Pharmaceutical Sciences Centre for Integrative Medicine and Research in association with Society for Ethnopharmacology, India on 9.2.19 and 11.9.19.

  • 2012: International congress on Ayurvedic concepts and treatment of Malignant disorders organized by Dept of AYUSH and NRHM Govt of Karnataka with SDMCA, Udupi on 15.12.12 and 16.12.12.

  • 2007: Participated in Soushruthi 2007 an International Conference organized by SDM College of Ayurveda, Udupi on 14.12.2007 to 16.12.2007.

National Level:

  • 2019: Participated in national level seminar Eugenicon organized by SDM College of Ayurveda, Udupi on 24.2.19.

  • 2017: Participated in a conference Shalakya Prabodhini organized by Government Ayurveda Medical College, Bangalore in 9.11.17 to 11.11.17.

  • 2017: Participated in Ahara manthana, a seminar on Ayurvedic dietetics and Nutrition organized by Dept of Swasthvritta, SDMCA, Udupi on 24.2.17.

  • 2016: Participated in Ayurvision 2016- A National conference on holistic approach to lifestyle disorders at Manipal organized by Division of Ayurveda, Manipal University, Manipal.

  • 2014: Participated in Yakrit Vikara seminar organized by Dept of Roganidana, SDMCA, Udupi on 5.12.14 & 6.12.14.

  • 2014: Participated in Mathrushree Rathnamma Heggade memorial seminar and workshop Subodha 2014 organized by Dept of ShareeraRachana, SDMCA, Udupi on 24.2.14.

  • 2013: Participated in Ahinirvana, a seminar organized by Dept of Agadatantra at SDMCA, Udupi on 10.12.2013.

  • Presented paper, “A clinical study to evaluate the therapeutic effect of shadbindu ghrita nasya and Narasimha churna in the management of vataja pratishyaya/allergic rhinitis” in an international conference “Karmasiddhi-2020” organized by SDM College of Ayurveda, Udupi.

  • Presented paper, “Management of Alopecia Areata-A case study” in an international conference “Saundarya 2019” organized at (NIA), Jaipur 15.1.19 & 16.11.19.

  • Presented a paper on Life style related ocular disease with special reference to Diabetic Retinopathy in Ayurvision 2016-National conference on holistic approach to lifestyle disorders at Manipal University, Manipal on 13.12.16. & 14.12.16.

  • Add life to years- Presented a paper on An ayurveda perspective of Preventive oncology in International congress on Ayurvedic concepts and treatment of Malignant disorders, SDMCA, Udupi on 16.12.2012.

  • Participated as resource person for the guest lecture on “Aatiamavasye kashaayada oushadheeya mahatwa” in the programme paaleda kashaya parka conducted by folklore Medicine Research Centre of SDM College of Ayurveda, Udupi in association with SDM Pharmacy, Udupi&Udupi District working Journalists’ association.

  • Participated as expert in the deliberations of one day interactive meet with traditional healers for documentation of local health traditions (LHTs) and ethno- medical practices (EMPs) on 9th February 2019 organized by RARIMD, Bengaluru on the occasion of 6th international Congress of the Society for Ethnopharmacology, India (SFEC2019) held during 8-10, February 2019 at Manipal academy of Higher education, Manipal, Karnataka, India.

Research Projects:

  • Short term research grant for Undergraduate Students 2022-23.

  • Single Arm, Clinical Study To Evaluate The therapeutic Effect Of Madanaphala Twak Lepa In Darunaka/ Pytiriasis Capitis.

  • RGUHS Faculty research projects 2023-24.

  • Physico Chemical Properties And In Vitro Toxicity Study of Chakshukameeya Rasayana.

  • 2020: Published an article, Efficacy of Shadbindu Ghrita Nasya (Nasal medication) in vataja pratishyaya/allergic rhinitis: A case study” in Volume 7. Issue 3 & 4 - 2020.

  • 2020: Published an article, “The concept of vataja pratishyaya/ allergic rhinitis: A review” in Europian Journal Of Biomedical And Pharmaceutical Sciences, Volume 7, Issue 10, August 2020.

  • 2020: Published an article, “Analytical study of shadbindu ghrita – A polyhedral preparation” in World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, Volume 9. Issue 10, July 2020.

  • 2019: Review on Thev – Colocasia esculenta legendary medicinal plant- A review published in International Ayurvedic Medical Journal August 2019, Issue 8 and Volume 7. Page 1377- 1383.

  • 2016: Has published an article on “A Critical Appraisal on Application of Lekhana Karma in Eye Disorders” in Journal of Pharmaceutical and Scientific Innovation Jpsi 5(6) Nov-Dec issue 2016.

  • 2016: Accreditation of concepts of rasa (nutrition) and veerya (potency) as food and medicine determinants: A review published in International Journal of Research In Ayurveda Pharmacy, Nov-Dec 2016, 7 (6), Page no. 53-60.

  • 2013: Dry eye syndrome an ayurvedic approach published in RGUHS journal of AYUSH Science, January 2013/Vol 3/issue1.

As Subject Matter Expert/ Co Guide:

  • Appraisal of Kashmari Phala (Gmelina arboria Roxb.) as a Keshya dravya in different bheshajamarga –A comparative, open, randomized clinical trial in Darunaka by DrAnupam K.Patel, PG Scholar, DeptofPG studies in Dravyaguna.

  • Phytochemical study on Triphala in three diverse ratios and their clinical effect as chakshushya on dry eye syndrome by Dr Dinal PG Scholar, Dept of PG Studies in Dravyaguna.

  • A comprehensive analytical and clinical study on ThevDantu (Petiole of Colocasia esculenta Linn.) in the management of kaphaja karna shola otomycosis by Dr.Niyathi, PG scholar, Dept of PG Studies in Dravyaguna.

Training Programmes

  • Has attended workshop on Pedagogic and personal effectiveness by MCPD, Manipal, Manipal University from 13.12.17 to 16.12.17.

  • Completed short course in educational methodology conducted by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka, from September – December 2014 on distance learning mode with contact programmes and online assessments.


Dr. Harsha S. Ms(Ayu)

Assistant Professor

Currently working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Shalakya Tantra in SAMCH, Devinagara, Talapady. Passionate and reliable medical doctor seeking to perform at the fullest of capacity both in Academics and clinicals thereby providing an excellent health care service in the field of Opthalmology and ENT.

  • Date of birth: 24/07/1992

  • Teacher’s code: AYSK00844

  • Registration Number: 17774

Qualification and Experience

  • Graduated from Alvas Ayurveda Medical College Hospital &Research Centre, Moodbidri in the year 2016.

  • Post Graduated from Sri Kalabyraveshwara Swamy Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital &Research Centre, Bangalore in the year 2019.

  • Currently working as Assistant professor, Department of Shalakya tantra, Sharada Ayurveda medical college& hospital since December 18, 2020.

  • Participated in Jeevanadi- Workshop on Nadi Pareeksha on 21.1.2024 organised by Sharada Ayurveda Medical College And Hospital, Talapady, Mangalore.

  • Attended and actively participated in The International Webinar on Understanding Retinopathies in Ayurveda and Application of treatment protocols organised by TAS(The Association of Shalakies) AND SJGAMC,KOPPAL held on 9th November 2023.

  • DRISHYAM -2021 -Attended and actively participated in the National Webinar conducted on the occasion of WORLD SIGHT DAY organised by the department of Shalakya tantra, Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute of Ayurveda and Hospital ,Bengaluru on 21 October 2021.

  • Shalakya Darshana 2019-Attended and Organized One day CME Programme for A Comprehensive and Diagnostic Approach to Retina and Inner ear problems.

  • Case study on management of Optic neuritis in Ayurveda –JIGNASA 2018(Natinal Arogya fair).

  • Case study on management of Epiphora-SHALAKYA PRABODHINI 2017(National conference and secured prize for best paper presenter).

  • Poster on Effect of Joint disorders on Eyes – VAJRA 2016(INTERNATIONAL AYURVEDA CONCLAVE).

  • Attended and participated in the YOGAJEEVANAM project conducted in Government Ayurveda hospital Kasargodu, 2016.

  • Awareness programme on NABH Accreditation for Ayush Hospitals, June 2015, Kochi.

A Clinical Study to Evaluate the efficacy of Vimala varti anjana with Madhukadi loha in the Management of timira w.s.r to nuclear sclerosis.

Research Projects:

  • RGUHS Faculty research projects 2023-24.

  • Co PI in Physico Chemical Properties And In Vitro Toxicity Study of Chakshukameeya Rasayana.

  • Secured Fifth rank in first year MS examinations for Shalakya Tantra.

  • Secured Third rank in first year MS examinations for Research & Methodology.

  • Secured Seventh rank in Final year MS examinations for Shalakya Tantra.

  • Grabbed the Award for Best paper presenter for presenting a Case study on management of Epiphora (Shalakya Prabodhini 2017).

Sharada Ayurveda Hospital Admission Enquiry