


Kayachikitsa is the first branch of ashtang ayurved that deals with general medicine, where kaya means body and chikitsa means treatment. Kaya also refers to agni on entire ayurvedic therapeutics is based on the concept of Agni. Correction of Agni is the basic line of treatment for most of the diseases.

Another unique aspect of kayachikitsa is Rasayana (Rejuvenation) and Vajikaran (Aphrodisiac) Rasayan chikitsa is useful for promotion of health and curing enhances the sexual vigour and useful to procreate an ideal Progeny.

The role of mind in the causation and cure of diseases is well recognized in kayachikitsa, hence due importance is given to strict mental discipline and adherence to moral values. For the same postment of manasroga is described in kayachikitsa.

Curing the disease can be attained through shaman (pacification) and shodhana (purification/detoxification) chikitsa, shaman chikitsa pacify the morbid doshas, where as shodhan expels the accumulated doshas.


  • Department of Kayachikithsa is attached with enough working space for smooth conduction of practicals.

  • Availability of Plenty of charts designed to give easy understanding of the subject.

  • Conduction of Kaychikitsa theory classess, using latest educational mediums.

  • Exposure to Modern instruments at the well equipped hospital functioning at full strength.

  • Sufficient number of live subjects available for demonstration purposes.




Dr. Shyamprasad M

Head of the Department

Dr Shyam Prasad M, having teaching experience for more than 15 years is currently working as professor and Head, in the department of kayachikitsa, Sharada ayurveda medical college. He published many research papers in international peer reviewed journals. He is devoted to the science as Author of books, Reviewer for research journals, Principal investigator for clinical studies and resource person for seminars. He earned BAMS degree in 2003 and MD in 2008. He was awarded PhD in 2012 from IPGT&RA, Jamnagar. Clinically he specializes in skin and neurological ailments.

  • Date of birth: 13/04/1981

  • Teacher’s code: AYKC02167

  • Registration Number: TCMC8223

Qualification and Experience

Qualification Year % of Marks / Grades Institution/ University and Place/Country
BAMS 2003 As per CCIM KVG Ayurveda medical college/ Rajivgandhi University of Health Sciences/ Karnataka
MD 2008 Kayachikitsa SDM Ayurveda college, Udupi/ Rajivgandhi University of Health Sciences/ Karnataka
PhD 2012 Kayachikitsa IPGT&RA/Gujarat Ayurved University/ Jamnagar

Designation Name of Organization From To Total period(YY/MM)
Assistant Professor Parassinikadavu Ayurveda Medical College 22-05-2008 01-01-2012 3 Years, 7 Months, 2 Weeks
Research Scholar IPGT & RA, Jamnagar 30-11-2009 30-11-2011 2 Years
Assistant Professor & Associate Professor Pnpanickersouhruda Ayurveda Medical College Hospital and Research Center 02-01-2012 30-08-2019 7 Years, 8 Months, 0 Weeks And 2 Days
Professor Institute of Ayush Medical Sciences 02-09-2019 12-02-2021 1 Years, 5 Months, 2 Weeks
Professor MVR Ayurveda Medical College, Parassinikadavu 13-02-2021 7-10-2023 2 Year, 9 Months
Professor Sharada Ayurveda Medical College 9-10-2013 Till Date 2 Months

  • Training program on Research and Biostatistics - Advanced training programme on ‘Biostatistics’ held at Child development center, Trivandrum; organized by Kerala university of health sciences(2019).

No of Journal Published

8 (UGC care listed, international Peer Reviewed ResearchJournals with ISBN/ ISSN and with impact factor), Details attached.

  • AYU (An International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda)-‘A comparative study of kaishoraguggulu and amrita guggulu in the management of UttanaVatarakta’ Anju. P.Ramachandran, Shyam Prasad M, Jonah.S and U.N Prasad.- Vol 31/ Issue 4/ Oct-Dec 2010.

  • AYU (An International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda), -‘Evaluation of the role of Nityavirechana and Nayopayamkashayam in Tamakashwasa’ Shyam Prasad M Anju. P. Ramachandran, , Jonah.S and U.N Prasad., Vol 31/ Issue 3/ July-Sep 2010.

  • AYU (An International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda)-‘Pharmacognostical and phyto-chemical evaluation of ayurvedic formulatonvaraasanadikwatha’- Anju. P.Ramachandran, Shyam Prasad M, Samarakoon S M S, Harisha. C. R, Shukla V J, Chandola H M. –Jan-March 2012 (Vol 33, issue 1).

  • AYU (An International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda)- ‘Pharmacognostical and phytochemical studies on leaves of curcuma neilgherrensis (wight) - a folklore medicine’ Shyam Prasad M, Anju. P.Ramachandran, Samarakoon S M S, Harisha. C. R, Shukla V J, Chandola H M. April-June 2012 (Vol 33/2).

  • Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga An international journal, Red Flower Publication Pvt.Ltd., Delhi.- ‘A comprehensive survey study on impact of demographic, genetic, dietary and other life style factors on the incidence and prevalence of kaphamedomargavarana (Hyperlipidemia)’, Anju.P.Ramachandran, ShyamPrasad.M, H.M.Chandola; Vol 4 number-2, April-June 2011.

  • A preface study on exploring the pharmacodynamics of Curcuma neilgherrensis Wight- A folklore medicine, Shyam Prasad M, Anju.P.Ramachandran, K Nishteswar, HarimohanChandola, Indian Journal of Traditional knowledge by CSIR-NISCAIR(impact factor: 1.061), 2013.

  • Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga- An International Journal ,Role of genetic, dietary and other lifestyle factors on incidence and prevalence of Kaphamedomargavarana (Hyperlipidaemia) April june-2012, Vol 5/2.

  • Srilankan Journal of Indigenous Medicine; Colombo - “Antihyperlipidemic perspective of VaraAsanadiKwatha against high fat diet induced hyperlipidemic rats” Anju. P. Ramachandran, Shyam Prasad M, Vijay kumar, Ashok B K, Ravishankar B, Chandola H M. Vol 01 number 02, December 2012.

Authored Text Books

2 (From ChaukhambaOrientalia, Varanasi), Principle and practices of Kayachikitsa

  • ISBN Number : 978-93-90777-04-4.

  • ISBN Number :978-93-90777-05-1.

Workshops/Seminars Conducted
  • Coordinator for state level CME at Parassinikkadavu Ayurveda medical college.

  • Coordinator for state level scientific session at PNPanicker Ayurveda medical college.

Policy Developing Activities
  • Technical person for workshop on Research at Jamnagar conducted ByWHO country office, India andAYUSH department Govt of INDIA.

Any Other

As Principal investigator in Research: 4(Independent work other than PG/PhD thesis)

  • A Randomized Comparative Open-Ended Clinical Study to Evaluate the Role of Matulungadinasyain the Prophylaxis of COVID-19 Disease w.s.r to youngsters, CTRI/2022/02/040266 [Registered in ICMR on: 14/02/2022].

  • Study on efficacy of herbal drugs in reducing viral load in HIV/AIDS patients,REF/2022/07/056814, ICMR.

  • A study to evaluate the efficacy of herbal neutraceutical ‘WLTH focus now’ in learning and cognitive changes.ICMR REF/2022/08/057635.

  • Clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy of herbal neutraceutical (ADAPTOGEN) ‘WLTH calm ease’ in stress management. ICMR REF/2022/08/057650.

  • Effect of Drakshadikashayam and chukkumthippalyadi gulika in Covid 19, in highly exposed population (Project approved, Name of funding agency - AYUSH, Grant/ Amount Sanctioned -10 lakhs).

Paper Presented as Resource Person
  • 'Vaitaranavasti- a valid variant in clinical practice'; paper presented as a resource person in National seminaron 'Vastiviveka' conducted by PNNM Ayurveda medical college, Shournur, Kerala -August 2016(National level).

  • Paper presented on 'Metabolic syndrome- An Ayurvedic approach' ; in National seminar 'Swarnim' on lifestyle disorders challanges and management through Ayurveda; Rajkot, Gujarat, November 2010(National level).

  • Participated as Resource person in the 11th Sastramadanam, National Ayurveda seminar on Prameha and allied disorders, presented paper on 'Keraliyachikitsa in Prameha', Pala-Kerala on October 2008(National level).

  • Paper presented in the International Seminar 'Sausruti' conducted by AYUSHgovt of India and SDM college of Ayurveda, Udupi, December 2007(Inter National level).

  • 'Treatment of Prameha' paper presented in a scientific session conducted by PNPS Ayurveda medical college, Kasaragod Jan 2006(State level).

Training Program on Research and Biostatistics
  • Advanced training programme on ‘Biostatistics’ held at Child development center, Trivandrum; organized by Kerala university of health sciences(2019).

Research Projects and Consultancies
  • Chief coordinator for Detailed Research project for AYUSH center of Excellencein Pappinisseri Visha Chikitsa Kendram, Kannur.

As Principal investigator in Research: 4(Independent work other than PG/PhD thesis)

  • A Randomized Comparative Open-Ended Clinical Study to Evaluate the Role of Matulungadinasyain the Prophylaxis of COVID-19 Disease w.s.r to youngsters, CTRI/2022/02/040266 [Registered in ICMR on: 14/02/2022].

  • Study on efficacy of herbal drugs in reducing viral load in HIV/AIDS patients, REF/2022/07/056814, ICMR.

  • A study to evaluate the efficacy of herbal neutraceutical ‘WLTH focus now’ in learning and cognitive changes.ICMR REF/2022/08/057635.

  • Clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy of herbal neutraceutical (ADAPTOGEN) ‘WLTH calm ease’ in stress management. ICMR REF/2022/08/057650.

  • Effect of Drakshadikashayam and chukkumthippalyadi gulika in Covid 19, in highly exposed population (Project approved, Name of funding agency - AYUSH, Grant/ Amount Sanctioned - 10 lakhs).

  • Coordinator for state level CME at Parassinikkadavu Ayurveda medical college.

  • Coordinator for state level scientific session at PNPanicker Ayurveda medical college.

  • Technical person for workshop on Research at Jamnagar conducted ByWHO country office, India andAYUSH department Govt of INDIA.


Dr. Tony Thomas

Assistant Professor

He is currently working as Associate Professor in the Department of Kayachikitsa at sharada Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital, Mangaluru. He completed BAMS in the year 2011 from SKAMC, Bangalore and completed M.D.(Ayu) in Kayachikitsa in the year 2015 from SDM College of Ayurveda, Udupi. Clinically he specialises in Rasayana therapies for the management of different disease .

  • Date of birth: 10/1/1989

  • Teacher’s code: AYKC01695

  • Registration Number: 16427

Qualification and Experience

  • 2015 – M.D ( KAYACHIKITSA) from SDM College of Ayurveda, Udupi.

  • 2011 – B.A.M.S from SKAMC, Bangalore.

Year Designation College
December 2021 to Present Associate Professor Sharada Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital, Mangaluru
December 2017 to December 2021 Assistant Professor Parassinikadavu Ayurveda Medical College, Kannur
December 2015 to January 2017 Assistant Professor Hillside Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital, Bangalore

  • Won the 3rd prize for a Clinical study presented at Samavartana- Kottakal, evaluating the efficacy of Gokshuradi Modaka in Oligospermia.

  • Won the best paper award for a case study of the Treatment approach of anxiety disorder during Manasa seminar held at SDMCA, Udupi.

  • Treatment approach of alcohol induced hepatitis. A case study (Yakrit Vikara, SDMCA, Udupi).

  • Treatment approach of anxiety disorder. A case study (Manasa Seminar, SDMCA, Udupi).

  • Clinical study evaluating the efficacy of gokshuradi modaka in Oligospermia (Samavartana, Kottakal).

  • Open pragmatic clinical trial evaluating the effect of Virechana karma and Thuvaraka rasayana in Ekakushta - Psoriaris(WAC-2014).

  • Submitted dissertation titled “A comparative clinical trial on the Therapeutic effect of Amritamanjari Rasa and Dasamoola Niruha Basti in Amavata W.S.R to Rheumatoid Arthritis” to RGUHS, Bangalore, Karnataka, 2015.


  • Certificate course on quality assurance systems by KUHS, Kerala in 2019.

  • Training on Medical Education Technology by KUHS, Kerala in 2021.


  • Attended International congress on Ayurvedic concepts and treatment of Malignant disorders, organized by SDMCA, Udupi in 2012.

  • International congress on Ayurvedic concepts and treatment of Malignant disorders, organized by SDMCA, Udupi in 2012.

  • Seminar BHESHJA 2013, organized by SDMCA, Udupi.

  • International seminar on healthy life-style, organized by Arogya bharati, Mysore in 2013.

  • CME on Cardiology update at SDMCA, Udupi.

  • Ahinirvana seminar on Agadatantra at SDMCA, Udupi in 2014.

  • Subhodha 2014 held at SDMCA, Udupi om 2014.

  • Workshop on Nadi Pariksha at SAMCH, Mangalore in 2024.


Dr. Saumyalakshmi S

Assistant Professor

Currently working as Assistant professor in the department of Manovigyana evam Manasaroga at Sharada Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital. After completing her BAMS in 2010 from BVVS Ayurvedic Medical college Bagalkot, she had been working in various reputed Ayurvedic hospitals in and around Kerala. She also has done her post graduate diploma in hospital management and had been working as an administrator in Sri Sri Tatwa Panchakarma, Bangalore. She is passionate towards counselling and healing other mental health issues.

  • Date of birth: 13/11/1985

  • Teacher’s code: AYKC03467

  • Registration Number: 11054

Qualification and Experience

  • 2021: MD(Manasaroga) from SDM college of ayurveda and hospital, Hassan.

  • 2015: Post graduate diploma in hospital management from Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai.

  • 2010: BAMS from BVVS Ayurveda medical college and hospital.Bagalkot.

Year Designation Institute
Jan 2021 to Till Date Assistant Professor(KC) Sharada Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital, Talapady
06/2016 - 04/2018 Administrator & Medical Incharge Sri Sri Ayurveda Panchkarma, Bengaluru
12/2012 - 12/2015 Deputy Medical Officer AVN Arogya Healthcare Ltd, Madurai
10/2010 - 08/2011 Consultant Alfalah Multispeciality Hospital, Kanhangad
07/2010 - 10/2010 Junior Research Fellow Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Eye Hospital & Research Centre Pvt Ltd, Koothattukulam
04/2010 - 07/2010 Resident Medical Officer Chingoli Vaidyasala, Sri Ramakrishna Hospital, Haripad

  • Achieved second position in National level teaching competition held by Arya Vaidyasala kottakal –“Jnanaarnava 2020”.

  • Talk on “ Stress in children schoolchildren ” to parents of students of Kendriya vidyalaya, Haripad.

  • Talk on “How to handle stress” for students of Sharada vidyaniketana public school and Sharada residential public school.

  • Awareness talk on ” Is your child stressed” to parents of Varnayurveda participants at Sharada Ayurveda medcial college.

  • Talk on “ Workplace stress” to employees of Aravindam motors, Mangalore.

  • Talk on” Drug addiction in youth” for bams students on Youth celebration day conducted by NSS.

  • Online session on “ Occupational stress” to corporates of People 2.0 , New delhi.

  • Guest lecture on” Posttraumatic stress disorder “ to final year Bams students of Parul University.

  • Talk on ”Adolescent crisis” to students of sharada Vidyaniketana public school.

  • Awareness talk on “ Bullying in school” to high school students of Sharada residential school.

  • Talk on” Drug addiction “ for students of Sharada residential school as a part of Nashamukt Bharat Abhiyan.

  • Worked as JRF at Sreedhareeyam Ayurveda Eye hospital and research centre. Was a part of the team conducting research on Ayurvedic therapies on Retinitis Pigmentosa, under CCRAS, Delhi.

  • Submitted dissertation titled “A comparative clinical trial on the Therapeutic effect of Ashwagandha choorna and Mishreya choorna in Premenstrual syndrome to RGUHS, Bangalore, Karnataka, 2021.

Sharada Ayurveda Hospital Admission Enquiry