Due to various metabolic factors, injury or constant wear and tear of joints, pain and stiffness are experienced at the neck, back or knee joints. At our hospital, we have a specialised Spine and joint wellness clinic named “GAMANA”, where one can experience freedom of mobility. This OPD provides speciality consultation for different pains due to Spondylitis, Spondylosis, Disc issues, Sciatica etc. along with appropriate Panchakarma therapies to reduce pain and impart strength and stability to the joints.
Ayurveda toxicology, known as Agada tantra, is a specialized branch of Ayurveda that focuses on the diagnosis, prevention and management of poisoning caused by natural toxins (plants, minerals, animal bites) and artificial toxins (chemical pollutants, drugs and food adulterants)At our Nirvisha OPD, part of the Agada Tantra department, we focus on treating skin conditions and health issues caused by toxins. Whether it's the result of insect bites, stings, long-term exposure to chemicals, preservatives, or cosmetics, our holistic Ayurvedic approach offers natural healing and detoxification.
Our Ayurveda Oncology OPD is dedicated to not just treatment, but holistic healing—restoring life, uplifting spirits, and empowering patients on their path to wellness.